Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Davao City : Enjoying the Past and the Present, From the Islands to Highlands

Davao City?

Davao: Day and Night

People from other countries will  ask where in the map would that be? Or some, who knew where is it located will say it's too risky to be here. THAT, is one misconception the city has earned just because it is situated in the war stricken Mindanao in the Philippines. Even some Filipinos who did not have the opportunity to visit the place are reluctant to try, for fear from the misconception and what Davao has been years ago.

As the metropolis of Mindanao, the  city is labeled as the largest in terms of land area . It is the melting pot of  cultures from the north, south and central Mindanao, and the center of trade and industry. People from the neighboring cities and towns opt to go to Davao for business and leisure. Students prefer to go the prestigious colleges in the city and some just opt to live in Davao due to its well imposed order and security.

The Lumads

The city boost of a populace that are of mixed descent, a multicultural Davao. The inhabitants are of various heritage, may it be Cebuano, Ilocano , Ilongo or Tagalog. The city also is a gracious host to expatriates like the Americans, Spanish, Chinese, koreans and other nationalities. But, most notably though, the city is a cradle for the ethnic tribes. Davaoenos (colloquial term for Davao inhabitants) has  high regards for the original settlers. Davao has ten recognized ethnic tribes, namely: Ata, Matigsalug,Ovu-Manuvo,Klata-Djangan,Tagabawa,Tausug, Maguindanao,Maranao,Kagan,and Sama. They are respected and freely interacts with the inhabitants.

Davao Chinatown Archway

Davao is  an integration of the past and the present. It boosts of its rich cultural heritage showcased in its old infrastructures that are rightfully preserved,yet, extends a welcoming hands to the developments of the changing times. Has installed modern traffic system, third around the globe that has 911  for rescue system and soon will be putting up a a state of the art communication center as Davao  collaborated with IBM to help make Davao a Smart City.This system will provide a link to every local agency to further enhance public safety operations. The city is booming in business, as new investors kept pouring in;  like the BPO's  ( Business Process Outsourcing )  due to the fact that the city has a 99% literacy rate.

One can roam around the city without having to worry for your life or your valuables, even when your on the streets at the wee hours of the morning.People can even take their mobile phones out of their bags and use it while walking or use all the jewelry they want on bright daylight without fear. It is basically safe to be on your own while exploring the city. Admittedly there might be some random crime that unfortunately befall on someone, but that would be an isolated case. Davao for the past years has long enjoyed lower crime rate compared to other key cities. Security and order has always been the local government's primary concern, so it has implemented local ordinances that would ensure peace and order is in place.

Another inherent trait that this so called "Land of Promise" possess is the innate beauty that nature has gifted her. One can go to the picturesque mountain area and enjoy nature's bounty with the cool air and soothing surrounding or enjoy the fine sands of the beach, commune with the relaxing water and let go of your worries, in just a day! If you want to enjoy Davao and you have a limited time on hand you can enjoy the best there is the city can offer within hours.

The most visited high area in the city is located in Toril, Davao City. A relaxing venue that boosts cool air , relaxing ambiance, flora and fauna, most importantly is the good food . And for the adventurers, Eden also has a zip line for you to enjoy.

Aside from Eden, There are numerous places worthy of sightseeing, namely; Loleng's Mountain Resort, Seagull's and etc.

For the beach lovers, Davao City is proud to have a number of renowned sand stretch with superb amenities. The most popular among tourists is the Pearl Farm Beach Resort in Samal Island and Paradise Island, a few minutes ferry ride from the city proper. One can go island hopping and see more of the island and more of the resorts scattered around the area.

Although if one does not like to cross the island for a fun on the beach, there are also a number of resorts within the city. Some resorts also offer great amenities and offer as a great venue for parties or conferences. Do check them out when you have the opportunity to visit Davao.

              San Pedro Cathedral                                             Our Muslim Brothers

Davao, a great city to live in. Peace and order is in place and it embraces both Christianity and Islam as religion of the inhabitants and they interact well because they respect each beliefs and traditions. It  welcomes people from different race, color and religion.It welcomes new innovation but is in touch with its roots. Respect is given where it is due.

Its people are the prime reason why Davao is great. They are peace loving and friendly but intolerant to erring ways. And, most especially Davaoenos are law abiding citizens. Everyone co-exists to make Davao a better place and be what it is now. A haven of harmony.

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